Support Us

Help the Choir Keep Making Music

Please consider making a donation to help Salt Spring Singers keep making music.

Individual donation levels

  • $25 piano (p) level
  • $50 mezzo piano (mp) level
  • $75 mezzo forte (mf) level
  • $100 forte (f) level

All individual donors will have their name printed in the next program.

Concert sponsorship

$125 Buy a new piece of music for the choir

The purchased music will have the donor’s name on each copy and recognition will be given in the program next to the piece you purchased.

$500 Partial concert sponsorship

Partial concert sponsors will have their name on posters and the front of the program.

$1000 Full concert sponsorship

Full concert sponsors will have their name on posters and the front of the program, recognition and thanks from on stage, and the opportunity to conduct one of the pieces.

Donations can be sent by Interac e-transfer to: The Singers’ e-transfer account is set up for auto deposit so no security question and answer are needed.


Donations can be made by cheque and mailed to:

Treasurer, Salt Spring Singers
301 Canvasback Place, Salt Spring Island, BC V8K 2W5

In any case, donations of $20 or more will receive a tax receipt from Salt Spring Singers. (Charity BN /Registration # 846200012 RR0001)

Advertise in our concert programs

The Salt Spring Singers appreciate the support of local businesses and individuals who advertise in our concert programs. Advertisements are solicited by choir members several months prior to the spring and winter concerts.

The cost of advertisements is:

  • Full page $200
  • Half page $100
  • Business card $50

Donations to the Scholarship Fund

The Salt Spring Singers are grateful to our many supporters for their donations to our Scholarship Fund. Over the years, you have helped us maintain our scholarships through our concert fundraising efforts.

If you can help, please make a donation online at Search for “Salt Spring Singers” on the Find a Charity page. Click on Salt Spring Singers. In the Donate to this Charity page choose the Scholarship Fund (it is the default) in the “Apply donation to a fund set up by this charity.” CanadaHelps will issue a tax receipt.

Thank you for helping us give the gift of music education to fellow islanders.

We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia through a Community Gaming Grant.