Our choir began over 50 years ago, when about 30 folks got together to sing. Here is the first formal announcement, in January 1974.

This is what “we” looked like in 1974.

Ruth Barker was the original director until 1976, when the choir stopped meeting for a couple of years. In 1978 Joy Johnsen took over, and we’ve been going ever since. There have been lean years (notably Covid) and bountiful years, but joyful singing and camaraderie remain our focus.
Follow these links to see more of our shared history. If you have memories, photos, or other items to share about any of these times, please contact me, Greg Slakov, and I would be happy to post them.
The following are the remaining bits of memorabilia from the “Barker” years. Just click on a photo to see an enlarged version.